Why and How to Date Your Spouse
Last year Routledge press, an imprint of Francis & Taylor, published my first book: “Ancient Egypt and Modern Psychotherapy: Sacred Science and the Search for Soul.” Keep reading. I promise not to get too academic. That being said, I must admit it IS an academic book. It is actually a “more suitable for most readers” [...]
Right before the new year came upon us, a friend of mine proclaimed he was making no New Year’s resolutions. He had decided that over the years he seldom kept any of them up for any decent amount of time therefore there wasn’t much point making them.
I often refer to the complex as “the troll beneath the bridge”—an unsightly, and generally unwelcome, force that lies in waiting, ready to decree its unpleasant influence at the slightest provocation. Just walking across the bridge may be enough to wake it from its sleep deep in our unconscious and pounce upon us with all its force.
The other day I began research on a new book I am writing tentatively titled “Divine Mediocrity: Being Happy With the Life You’ve Got.” I was intrigued by an Internet article I read about spiritual bypass, and had contrasted that reading experience with a recent re-look at the infamous little film “The Secret.” I was a [...]
So I was very proud to be a human as I walked out of the theatre that night—maybe only for a moment, but that moment was sublime. I thought of the huge responsibility that came with the ability to create in this fashion, and I thought about how we were still acting like children in taking on that responsibility.
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. " —Anatole France I lost one of my beloved dogs this weekend. Her name was Neli (short for Cyberia’s Nelidova), she was a red Siberian Husky, she was 11 years old, and she was my sweetheart. She and her son, Bobo, have been [...]
History has taught us that the Biblical Moses was a very wise man. Few of us, however, may be familiar with another wise fellow named Khidr. Moses met Khidr very long ago and asked to be a student of this venerable master. Khidr agreed and the two of them set out on a journey of sorts [...]