Therapy Dogs

Think of all the ways that dogs live as part of our lives. Our first thought might be the various dogs we have had as pets, or the dogs that family and friends have had with whom we have interacted. Then there are working dogs. These can be guard dogs, farm dogs who herd livestock [...]

All Dogs Go to Heaven II

The last of the Great Siberian Husky Clan has died this week. Bobo was put to peaceful sleep on Thursday, September 15, almost a year to the day that his dear mother, Neli, died. I miss him terribly, just as I had missed his mother…but maybe more. Bobo is the last of a string of dogs [...]

By |2017-07-23T10:05:42-04:00September 19th, 2011|Categories: Beauty, Dog Therapy, Grief, Humanistic, Love, Psychology, Psychotherapy, Self Help, Spiritual|3 Comments
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