Following are excerpts from my blogs. Please pick one you like and enjoy reading it!
The Soul of Things
Things are getting a bad rep these days. There are countless articles floating around the Internet and in print publications extolling the virtues of letting go and throwing out nearly everything you may have acquired over your long, or even short, lifetime. In our highly materialist and pragmatic era it seems that anything that does not have a current, [...]
Gun Advocacy and the Loss of Personal Control
As a psychotherapist I am trained to look below the surface for less than obvious motivations for human behavior. This tendency to dig deeper is typically triggered by what I see (usually seen as well by a large number of others) to be rather irrational behavior or beliefs. The dispute over gun control is one such situation. I am [...]
I’ve Got Your Back!
As a psychotherapist I see quite a few couples in therapy. We psychotherapists are always being asked what we think is important in a relationship. Obviously a couple knowing such things can be helpful, especially if there really are some magic words of wisdom out there that could make relationships easier to navigate through. I don’t know if there are [...]
The Return of Christmas
I love Christmas. Everyone has his or her own memories of Christmas as a child, and I am no exception. Christmas in our house was incredibly special. My mother was dubbed early on by my family the “Queen of Christmas.” She would decorate the house with greens, holly, and a huge variety of glass ornaments she had collected over the [...]
Counting Wild Pigs
There is an ancient Celtic tale that speaks of a crack in the earth from which evil creatures and spirits ascend upon the upper regions from the dark and dank recesses of Hell. The Cave of Cruachan was its name, and many a story of elfin lore was spoken from the lips of this vile split between our world and [...]
Past Life in Turkey! Pt. 2
Istanbul, the ancient Constantinople, is at once a magical place and a dark, shadowy, place. As most ancient cities go, its history is filled with human strife and suffering—and clearly evil and vile acts upon humanity by power hungry, fear-filled, leaders. Istanbul is no exception. But it is also magical, with its grand human achievement in art, architecture, literature, [...]
Past Life in Turkey! Pt. 1
Next week I will be boarding a plane to Istanbul for the fourth world conference on past life regression therapies. Needless to say, a trip to Turkey is an exciting prospect in and of itself. But the fact that I will venture to this far away and mystical land to attend a conference on past life research and therapy [...]
All Dogs Go to Heaven II
The last of the Great Siberian Husky Clan has died this week. Bobo was put to peaceful sleep on Thursday, September 15, almost a year to the day that his dear mother, Neli, died. I miss him terribly, just as I had missed his mother…but maybe more. Bobo is the last of a string of dogs my deceased wife and [...]